The author of Kiev city secret places guide is Tasha Jallois - Interpreter, Translator and Guide in Kiev.
Kiev secret place - Headless monument to princess Olga
This is the part of the monument on Mikhailovska square just across the Archangel Michael Gold-domed cathedral. There is a tall figure of princess Olga, first known female ruler of country, with educators St. Cyril and St. Methodius at her right hand and apostle St. Andrew at left one.
This monument was financed by the donation of emperor Nicholas II and was built of concrete (considered high-tech at that time) in 1911. After the Revolution of 1917 the statue was broken and buried right under the square. Now we have an opportunity to see some pieces of this monument at the St. Andrew’s decent.

Kiev secret place - Panteleymon Cat
Kievans love their pets very much, and that we can see form the monuments we come across. There is a monument to a beloved dog, to Panteleymon cat and his girl-friend on the tree near-by.

Kiev secret place - The Zoo House
A unique building in the national heritage with zoo inhabitants on the roof watching the visitors.

Kiev secret place - Weeping Widow and Weeping Widower houses
Two houses of two lonely soles, separated by several streets but seem to be so alike in their sorrow.

Kiev secret place - Monument to money and time
Do you have enough time to spend all of your money?

Kiev secret place - Small monument to Kyi, Schek, Horyv and their sister Lybid
Hidden in the small park of the Artist colledge. Many other interesting scenes form national fairy tales or bible can be found there.

Kiev secret place - Adam and Eve

Kiev secret place - Monument to the nose
There is a legend that one rainy November day famous writer Nikolay Gogol walked by Kiev, he caught a cold and that’s why all his thoughts were about nose. So the “Nose” story idea appeared.

Kiev secret place - Upside-down house
One ordinary Ukrainian man has decided to construct a house, but as he was not skilled enough he made it upside-down. But anything what is constructed as to be used, so today we have a unique restaurant with nice European cuisine and extraordinary exterior design.

Kiev secret place - Whole Kiev in one yard
It has become a tradition to decorate yards of the living blocks. One of the yard was happy to have a very talented artist, who has drown the picture of the whole Kiev on the wall of the boiler-house.

Kiev secret place - Chocolate man and chocolate houses
One may be fond of Swiss chocolates, others - of French. Me personally I’m fond of the chocolate man, who is showing his nice body to the people who pass by. Perhaps he has forgotten his way back to the chocolate home?

Among other places to mention is the “Chair-Tree”, “Time-machine”, funny monument to Ukraine borders protector, a place where one can drink the most expensive coffee in the world, metro station which resembles an ancient cathedral, mummies in the underground cell-caves, museum to the drug-store, museum to the toilet, electronics museum and many other interesting places.