Pryluky city, Ukraine

The city of Chernigov oblast.

Pryluky - Overview

Pryluky (also known as Priluki) is a small city located in Chernihiv Oblast of Ukraine, on the banks of the Udai River, about 149 km east of Kyiv.

The population of Pryluky is about 51,600 (2021), the area - 43 sq. km.

The phone code - +380 4637, the postal codes - 17500-17511.

Priluki city flag

Priluki city flag

Priluki city coat of arms

Priluki city coat of arms

Priluki city map location

History of Pryluky

The settlement was first time mentioned by the prince Vladimir Monomakh in 1085. The fortress provided a shelter to the prince during the Polovtsy horde raid.

Later, in 1092, the settlement was ravaged by the Polovtsy. In 1239, it was again devastated by the Mongols. In 1362, the settlement was captured by Lithuania.

In 1569, Pryluky became the part of Polish state according to Lublin Union. A lot of local people ran away in the Dnieper steppes. It was the beginning of the Cossack community.

The settlement became the military center of Pryluky Regiment in 1648. Later, in the 18th century, the border of the Russian Empire moved to the south and the fortress lost its military importance.

The town territories received the status of uyezd of Malorossiya Guberniya in 1781. From 1802, Pryluky became the part of Poltava Guberniya.

It was joined to Chernihiv region of Ukraine in 1932. Pryluky was heavily damaged during the World War II.

Today, it is an industrial, cultural and tourist center of the region.

Pryluky views

Children and youth creativity center in Pryluky

Children and youth creativity center in Pryluky

Author: O.Sakovsky

St. Trinity Convent in Pryluky

St. Trinity Convent in Pryluky

Author: S. Komarovsky

St. Trinity Convent in Pryluky

St. Trinity Convent in Pryluky

Author: S. Komarovsky

Pryluky - Features

Pryluky is known for its airfield - the largest in Ukraine. It was the main base of the Soviet strategic bombers during the Cold War.

There is a tobacco factory of British American Tobacco company in the town.

There are several cathedrals, churches and monuments in Pryluky.

It is one of the oldest towns in Ukraine registered as a historical town of the country.

Attractions of Pryluky

The main places of interest in Pryluky are:


  • Sretensky Church,
  • St. Panteleymon Church,
  • Spaso-Transfiguration Church,
  • St. Nickolas Church,
  • St. Virgin Church,
  • Church of the Three Saints in Kustovtsy,
  • John the Foreteller (Ivanovskaya) Church.


  • The monument to Vladimir Monomakh on the territory of an ancient Rampart. It was erected to commemorate the 900th anniversary of Pryluky;
  • The monument to locals killed during the World War II;
  • The monument to Taras Shevchenko depicting the writer when he was 33 and lived in the town.

Priluki city, Ukraine photos

Church in Pryluky

Church in Pryluky

Church in Pryluky

Author: O.Sakovsky

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