Anastasiya is a Ukrainian form of the Latin name Anastasia, meaning resurrection.
This name comes from the Hebrew name Hannah and means mercy, grace, courage. For Catholics and Orthodox, it also means God’s mercy.
Bohdana is a feminine form of the Czech/Ukrainian name Bohdan, meaning God’s gift.
Bohuslava is a feminine form of the Czech/Ukrainian name Bohuslav, meaning God’s glory.
Boyka is a feminine form of the Ukrainian name Boyko, meaning resident of western Ukraine.
Daniela is a feminine form of the Italian name Daniele and the Ukrainian name Danilo, meaning God is my judge.
Daryna is a Ukrainian form of the Roman name Daria, meaning possesses a lot, wealthy.
Ukrainian girl wearing national costume

Kalyna is a Slavic name derived from the name of the berry of the same name (guelder rose).
Kateryna is a Ukrainian form of Katherine, meaning pure.
This name is of Greek origin and means Christian, devoted to Christ.
According to one version, this name has ancient Greek roots and means mistress or power, strength. The second version of the origin is from the ancient Persian word khur, which translates as sun.
Liliia, Lilia, Liliya
There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to the most common, it is derived from the Latin name for the flower lilium. Some researchers associate it with the name Leila, which in Arabic means night or darkness.
Lyudmyla is a Ukrainian form of the Slavic name Ludmila meaning people are nice to her.
Mariya, Maria
This name is of Hebrew origin, its original form is Maryam. Mariya (Mary) is a fairly common name in the world, because it belonged to the mother of Jesus Christ. Christian tradition translates it as lady.
The origin of this name is associated with the Roman patrician name Marinus and means marine, sea.
Mykhaila, Mikhaila
Mykhaila is a feminine form of the Ukrainian name Mykhailo, meaning Who is like God?.
Mylana, Mylena
This name is of Slavic origin and means dear, cute, sweet.
Nataliya, Natalka
Nataliya is a Ukrainian form of Natalia, meaning birthday, or in Church Latin Christmas day.
Oksana, Oxana
Oksana is a Ukrainian form of ancient Greek Xenia, meaning hospitable (especially to foreigners and strangers).
The origin of the name Oleksandra is associated with the paired male name Oleksander, which in turn came from the ancient Greek language and is translated as defender, protector.
Olena is a Ukrainian form of Greek Helen, going back to the name of Helen the Beautiful, the heroine of a cycle of ancient Greek myths and legends. Its common short form is Lena.
According to one version, this name was formed from the Old Norse Helga and means holy, bright, wise. According to another version, it originates from the Old Slavic language and comes from the names Volga, Volkh meaning sunny, significant, great.
Olesya, Olessia, Olesia
According to the version of the Slavic origin of this name, it means a girl from the forest or a girl living in the forest. According to another version, this name was originally a diminutive of the name Oleksandra.
Ukrainian girl wearing national costume

This name is of French origin (Pauline), derived from the male name Paul; thus derived from the Latin paulus (little, baby). Polina is also a colloquial form of the name Apollinaria, which means solar and comes from the name of the ancient Greek sun god Apollo.
Rada, translated from Old Slavonic, means cheerful, joyful. Today, this beautiful name is rarely used in its original form, more often representing an abbreviated version of the name Radomyra (rejoicing in the world) or Radoslava (rejoicing in glory), which also have Slavic roots.
Sofiya or Sofia is a Ukrainian form of Greek Sophia, meaning wisdom.
Svitlana is a name meaning light, bright, pure soul. Shortened variants: Svita or Lana.
Tetyana or Tetiana is the Ukrainian form of the female Slavic name Tatiana. Translated from the ancient Greek language, this name means organizer, founder. According to another version, this is the female form of the male name Tatian, which appeared on behalf of the king Titus Tatius.
Vasylina, Wasylyna
Vasylina is a feminine form of the Ukrainian name Vasyl, meaning king.
Viktoriya is a Ukrainian form of the Roman name Victoria, meaning to conquer; victory.
It is a feminine derivative of Vitali, which is derived from the Roman Vitalis. Translated from Latin, it means full of life, vital.
The most common literary meaning of the name Yaroslava is ardent and glorious. No less popular is the version of origin on behalf of the Slavic god Yarilo. According to this version, the meaning of the name Yaroslava is glorifying Yarilo.
Yulia is an Eastern European female name, taken from the ancient Greek language (wavy, fluffy) or from the Latin language (July or from the Julius family). Another similar name with the same meaning is Ulyana.
This female Slavic name means golden.
Ukrainian girl wearing national costume