The cuisine of Ukraine - traditional soups
Starters characterise Ukrainian national cuisine as a full one in terms of nutrition quality. A wide range of soups, recipes of which include majority of available ingredients, enrich nutrition and beneficially effects human digestive system.
Ukrainian cuisine starters are first of all soups like borsch. Each region of Ukraine has its own borsch recipe. The most popular are Kyiv, Lviv and Poltava borsches.
Although it is not a unique major dish of Ukrainian national cuisine. Such soups like kulish, borage, yushka meat soup, fish soup (ukha), okroshka and slumgullion are also popular. And each of these soups has a lot of variations.
A lot of soups are prepared on the basis of popular types of meat and vegetables. The most popular meat basis is pork, while beet-root, legumes, potatoes and carrots are the most popular vegetables.