Pochaiv town, Ukraine

The city of Ternopil oblast.

Pochaiv - Overview

Pochaiv, also known as Pochaev is a small town located in Kremenets district of Ternopil Oblast of Ukraine. The nearest railway station is situated in Kremenets, about 25 km away. The distance to Ternopil, the capital city of the region, is about 50 km.

The population of Pochaiv is about 7,600 (2021), the area - 24 sq. km.

The phone code - +380 3546, the postal codes - 47025-47027.

Pochaev city flag

Pochaev city flag

Pochaev city coat of arms

Pochaev city coat of arms

Pochaev city map location

History of Pochaiv

According to legend, the Pochaiv monastery was founded by monks from Kyiv-Pechora Lavra (monastery), who escaped from the invading Mongols in 1240.

The first record dates back to 1527. In 1597, the local landowner Anna Goiskaya gave the monastery land and estates.

On August 2, 1675, the raid of the Crimean Tatars approached Pochaiv. All the people gathered in the monastery which was surrounded only by a wooden fence.

Everyone able of holding a weapon defended the monastery. Those who were not able to do it kept praying in front of the Virgin icon at Trinity cathedral as it was their only hope. The defenders of the monastery fought two days but the forces were uneven.

According to legend, suddenly, the clouds were gone and the Virgin appeared above the cathedral surrounded by angels.

The Tatars saw them and began to shoot arrows at the heavenly image. But the arrows came back and killed those who sent them. The Pochaiv monastery was saved.

The monastery was rather famous in the first half of the 17th century, due to the Father Superior Iov Zheleza (1551-1651). From 1713 to 1832, it was a Greek-Catholic monastery.

In 1730, Pochaiv printing-house was opened, 187 books were published.

Pochaiv views

Pochaiv town view

Pochaiv town view

Author: Evgeny Gutyar

Pochaiv view

Pochaiv view

Author: Evgeny Gutyar

Pochaiv theological seminary

Pochaiv theological seminary

Author: Evgeny Gutyar

Pochaiv Lavra (Monastery)

The town of Pochaiv is known all over Ukraine and abroad for the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra, the second largest Orthodox monastery in Ukraine after Kyiv-Pechyorsk Lavra. The monastery stands on a 50 meter hill above Pochaiv. This monastery is rich in old wall paintings, sculptures and ornaments.

The monastery was first time mentioned in written sources in 1527. But, according to local tradition, it was founded in the 13th century by monks who left the Kyiv monastery during the Mongol invasion.

In 1712, the Russian Tsar Peter the Great visited the monastery several times together with Feofan Prokopovich (the reformer of the Russian Orthodox Church).

The buildings of the Pochaiv Lavra:

  • Assumption Cathedral (1771-1782);
  • Trinity Cathedral (1906-1912);
  • Cells (1771-1780);
  • The Bishop’s house (1825);
  • The Belfry (1861-1869), 65 meter height;
  • The house above the gates (1835).

You can get there by buses running from Lviv and Uzhhorod. Also, it is possible to go by trains, the station is called Radivilov. It is 25 km from Pochaiv, but there are a lot of mini buses at your service.

Also, you can get off at the station in Ternopil, mini buses to Pochaiv are available from it. There are buses going from the railway station in Kyiv too.

Pochaev city, Ukraine photos

Churches in Pochaiv

Church in Pochaiv

Church in Pochaiv

Author: Alexander Yefremov

Pochaiv church

Pochaiv church

Author: Evgeny Gutyar

Pochaiv monastery graveyard

Pochaiv monastery graveyard

Author: Michael Devichensky

Pochaiv Lavra

Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra

Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra

Author: Andrej Kuzniecyk

Pochaiv Lavra

Pochaiv Lavra

Author: Alexander Yefremov

Pochaiv Lavra view

Pochaiv Lavra view

Author: Karlovich Yuriy

The questions of our visitors

Olga asks: My mother was born 3 km from the Pochayiv Lavra. She recently died. Is there a town Hall that holds birth/family records? I am also trying to trace records of where she was transported to during the war. I am visiting the region in September and this information would help my sister & I to follow our family history. Many thanks.
Expert's answer:
You should try to get in contact with the State Archives of the Ternopil region.
eugene asks: Is there a public russian banya at Pochaev?
Expert's answer:
Unfortunately I haven't found any information about a public russian banya in Pochaev.

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