Ukraine travel blog | About Ukraine in English

We have added the page about Kharkov city main stadium – “Metalist Stadium”. The stadium will host several matches of Euro 2012.

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Chernobyl Zone Today

Interesting HD tour through closed Chernobyl Zone showing the present look of the disaster site and the surrounding area.

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Picturesque poppy field of Volyn

The lakes, rivers, forests, medicinal muds, mineral waters, hunting, fishing, all these create necessary conditions for the development of travel and tourism industry in Volyn oblast. Full value rest and recreation are available. As an example have a look at this beautiful poppy field – wonderful views! Photos by av_otus.

Volyn oblast poppy field view 1



As Euro 2012 is coming closer we are going to add information that may be helpful to the visitors of this event. And the first page added is the one about “Donbass Arena” – central stadium of Donetsk city and one of the stadiums of Euro 2012.

Donbass Arena - Donetsk stadium, Ukraine

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Abandoned nuclear power plant in Crimea

The construction of Crimean nuclear power plant began in 1975. The plan was to build the station providing the electricity for the entire Crimea. In 1984, it was proclaimed the All-Union Komsomol construction project.

Abandoned Crimean nuclear power plant view 1


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The beautiful architecture of Ternopil

Ternopil city is known for its architectural and cultural monuments. Also it is very comfortable for foreign travelers having a lot of exchange points and modern hotels.

One of the major sights is the Church of the Nativity, the amazingly beautiful church, one of the best examples of Podolsk architectural school of the 17th century.

Beautiful Ternopil, Ukraine view 1


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As a result of heavy rain and hail happened yesterday, July 4, several streets and avenues in the southern part of Kharkov were flooded. Dozens of trees fell into the streets, breaking power lines and paralyzing traffic. The water level reached the license plates of the cars on Moskovsky Prospect – the main transport line of Kharkov.
According to the meteorologist, the amount of precipitation (43 mm) exceeded the norm by six times. In addition, there was a strong wind up to 36 m/sec.



An excellent example of how you can stay in shape in old age by Yuri living in Merefa town of Kharkov oblast, Ukraine.




What if Kiev will be standing on the water?

It will be a magnificent view of fantastic Kiev city like this one occasionally created by Oleg Stelmakh.

Kiev standing on the water


Let’s have a look at nice sceneries of provincial life in Khmelnitsky and Ternopil oblasts taken by horoshiyblog.

Ukrainian province view 1


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