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Probably the best film about Pripyat

“Pripyat. Another Life” is an excellent film about what happens with the city of Pripyat, abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster, today.

Despite the human tragedy, nature continues normal course of events reviving a new life.

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Burdyakivtsi is a small village with a population of about 1 thousand people located in the Borshchiv district of the Ternopil region. The main attraction of the village is a small Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary built at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

The church was closed in Soviet times. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was restored and returned to believers. Burdyakivtsi on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Catholic Church in Burdyakivtsi, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 1

small and harmonious church

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The Historical and Cultural Complex “Zaporizhia Sich”, located in the north-east of the island of Khortytsia in Zaporizhia, is a reconstruction of the Cossack fortress of the 16th-18th centuries, recreating the image of the Cossack capital and the atmosphere of the time.

This picturesque town-museum, officially opened in 2009, harmoniously blended into the surrounding natural landscape and became one of the most interesting attractions of the city. Zaporizhia Sich on Google Maps. Photos by: Alexey Novik.

Zaporizhian Cossacks Museum, Khortytsia, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the Cossacks Museum




St. Michael Church in Svalyava

Svalyava is a small town with a population of about 17 thousand people located in the center of the Zakarpattia region, in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains.

One of the main attractions of the town is St. Michael Church (1759), situated on the southern outskirts. This is one of the most perfect churches of Transcarpathia and a beautiful example of Lemko folk architecture.

St. Michael Church, Svalyava, Zakarpattia, Ukraine, photo 1

wonderful monument of wooden architecture

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Nature without people – Chernobyl fish

Life goes on in spite of everything. The bypass channel of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant cooling pond in Pripyat is rich in various fish in the absence of fishermen.

underwater video


The passenger railway station in Kharkiv, also known as the South railway station, is one of the most important transportation hubs in Eastern Ukraine.

The current building of the station, built in the style of “Stalin’s empire” with elements of classicism, was opened November 2, 1952. The previous building was destroyed during the Second World War.

The height of the towers is 42 meters, the diameter of the tower clock – 4.25 meters. In 2003, the station was renovated for the 350th anniversary of Kharkiv.


Novoselytsya, a village founded in 1600, is located in the Vynohradiv district of the Zakarpattia region. It is famous for its wooden church, Church of the Dormition, built in 1669.

The uniqueness of the church is that it is the smallest wooden Gothic church in Transcarpathia. Its proportions are considered ideal. The church is made of oak without a single nail.

Church of the Dormition, Novoselytsya, Ukraine, photo 1

beautiful Gothic church

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Kyiv from a height of drone flight

A nice video showing the beauty of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, from a height of drone flight. You can see quite a lot of the city’s sights from above.


The oldest wooden church in Kovel, a town located in the Volyn region, is the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anne (1771). This church was moved to Kovel from the village of Vyshenky (Rozhyshchensky district) in 1994.

Today, in Ukraine, there are only two preserved wooden churches of the 18th century with this unique shape, which is more characteristic of the stone architecture. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

St. Anne Catholic Church, Kovel, Ukraine, photo 1

beautiful monument of wooden architecture

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In the third weekend of May, residents of Kamianets-Podilskyi traditionally celebrate the City Day – the city’s main holiday. The annual international balloon festival “Podolia Cup” is held as part of the celebration (since 1998).

During the festival, anyone can fly in a balloon and see Kamianets-Podilskyi from above. The uniqueness of these aeronautical activities is that the balloon flights are carried out directly over this beautiful medieval city. Photos by: Nikita Yurenev.

Balloon Festival, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, photo 1

balloons over the medieval town
