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Castle in Budaniv used as a psychiatric hospital

Budaniv is a village with a population of about 1,500 people located in Terebovlya district of the Ternopil region.

The main attraction of the village is a stone castle built in the early 17th century on the site of the burnt wooden castle.

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 1

The new castle on a hilltop was quadrangular, with four round corner towers on the perimeter. During its existence, the castle was several times captured and destroyed by the troops of B. Khmelnitsky, as well as Turkish troops, but each time it was rebuilt.

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 2

In the middle of the 18th century, the new owners belonging to Potocki family reconstructed the western part of the castle and turned it into a Catholic church.

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 3

In Soviet times, the castle has begun to be used as a women’s psychiatric hospital and this practice continues to this day, but you can freely inspect it.

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 4

Today, apart from the church, two round towers and partially castle walls have been preserved. Budaniv Castle on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 5

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 6

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 7

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 8

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 9

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 10

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 11

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 12

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 13

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 14

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 15

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 16

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 17

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 18

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 19

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 20

Castle in Budaniv, Ternopil region, Ukraine, photo 21

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1 comment

  • Andrzej Ludwik Teofil Budzanowski · December 22, 2021 at 10:04 pm

    Wspaniałe zdjęcia i opis Budzanowa.Krótko i treściwie. Jestem potomkiem Jakuba Budzanowskiego, był on też wójtem dziedzicznym w Trembowli. (Great photos and description of Budzanów. Short and concise. I am a descendant of Jakub Budzanowski, he was also the hereditary mayor in Trembowla.)


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