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House of the Weeping Widow in Kyiv

The house of the “weeping widow” (sometimes called “Arshavsky House”) is a building in Kyiv, an architectural monument of local importance, situated at Liuteranska Street, 23 (the corner with Bankova Street).

The building was constructed in the style of early modernism by the architect Eduard-Ferdinand Bradtman at the expense of the merchant Sergei Arshavsky in the summer of 1908. Photos by: Igor Golovach.

House of the Weeping Widow, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

one of the architectural symbols of Kyiv




Svirzh Castle – the view from above

Svirzh Castle, a unique monument of defensive architecture of the 15th-17th centuries, is located in the village of Svirzh in Peremyshlyany district of the Lviv region.

Built as a fortress, the castle lost its original appearance after the reconstruction carried out in the 17th century. Despite its advantageous location – on a hill surrounded by marshes and lakes – this palace-castle could hardly have a significant defensive value.

Svirzh Castle, Lviv oblast,  Ukraine, photo 1

fly over the castle

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St. Cyril Church in Kyiv

St. Cyril Church in Kyiv, built in the mid-12th century, is one of the oldest surviving churches on the former territory of the ancient state of Kievan Rus. St. Cyril Monastery is located to the north-west of the historic center of ancient Kyiv (Oleny Telihy Street, 12).

After the collapse of Kievan Rus, the church was repeatedly repaired and rebuilt. Four domes on the sides were completed in the 17th century. In 1734, after a fire, St. Cyril’s Church was reconstructed in the Ukrainian Baroque style. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

St. Cyril Church, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

fly over St. Cyril Church

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House with Chimeras, also known as Horodecki House, is an amazing brick building in the Art Nouveau style, an object of cultural heritage located in Kyiv.

The house got its name because of the unique sculptural decoration placed both on the facade of the house and inside it (land and underwater fauna, hunting attributes, fabulous creatures). Photos by: Igor Golovach.

House with Chimeras, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

explore this architectural monument


Mala Rostivka is a small village with a population of about 200 people located in Oratovsky district of the Vinnitsa region. Tourists rarely visit this remote place that has one of the best preserved palaces in the region.

The history of the palace is very vague. The only thing that is known is that it was built by the general of the Russian army Zabotin in the early 20th century. Mala Rostivka on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Palace of General Zabotin, Mala Rostivka, Ukraine, photo 1

beautiful palace made of red bricks




Cosmas and Damian Church in Kolentsi

Kolentsi is a small village with a population of about 500 people located in Ivankivsky district of the Kyiv region, on the left bank of the Teteriv River.

The main attraction of the village is a wooden Church of Cosmas and Damian built in 1874. This is a rare and original example of folk architecture. Kolentsi on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Cosmas and Damian Church, Kolentsi, Ukraine, photo 1

unique church

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The wooden Greek-Catholic church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is an architectural monument of the 18th century located in the village of Kolochava in Mizhgirya district of the Zakarpattia region.

The church in Baroque style was built of spruce boards by the master Ferenc Tekke in 1795. Since 1953, this beautiful building was used as a museum of atheism. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Holy Spirit Church, Kolochava, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine, photo 1

magnificent wooden church

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Pidhirtsi Castle is a well-preserved Renaissance palace surrounded by fortifications. It is located in the village of Pidhirtsi in the east of the Lviv region.

The castle has a square shape. From the east, south and west it is surrounded by a line of fortifications, a moat and ramparts. Pidhirtsi, Olesko and Zolochiv castles form the “Golden Horseshoe of Ukraine” – a tourist route of the castles of the Lviv region. Pidhirtsi Castle on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Pidhirtsi Castle, Lviv region, Ukraine, photo 1

fly over the castle

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Olesko Castle is an architectural monument of the 14th-17th centuries, located near the village of Olesko in the Bussky district of the Lviv region. John III Sobieski, one of the most notable monarchs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, was born here.

It is one of the oldest buildings in Galicia. The castle was built at the crossroads of ancient trade routes from Wallachia and Hungary to Volyn, and was the key to this land. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Olesko Castle, Lviv region, Ukraine, photo 1

stroll around the castle


Ancient Nizkinitsky Assumption Monastery (1643) is situated on a high hill on the outskirts of the town of Novovolynsk, in the former village of Nizkinichi, in the Volyn region.

The crypt under the Church of the Assumption (1653), the main temple of the monastery, houses the remains of its founder, the famous statesman, voivode of Kyiv and patron of the Orthodox Church Adam Kisiel. Nizkinitsky Assumption Monastery on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Nizkinitsky Assumption Monastery, Novovolynsk, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the church

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