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St. Panteleimon Monastery in Feofania

St. Panteleimon Monastery in Feofania is a nunnery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, located in “Feofania” natural park, on the southern outskirts of Kyiv (Academician Lebedev Street, 19).

Feofania is a monument of landscape art of national importance. The park harmoniously combines miraculous masterpieces of untouched nature, landscape design and spiritual greatness of St. Panteleimon Cathedral.

St. Panteleimon Monastery in Feofania Park, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

let’s fly over the monastery


Kamenets Podolskiy is an ancient town located in Khmelnitsky region. The first documentary mention of Kamenets dates back to 1060-1062.

Significant part of the historical and architectural heritage of Kamenets Podolskiy can be found in the Old Town. In 1977, the historical and architectural reserve was established in the area. The photos were taken by Alexander Shvab.

Kamenets Podolskiy - the town museum, Ukraine, photo 1

walk the streets of the Old Town


The fortress in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi city, known as Akkerman fortress until 1944, is a monument of history and urban planning of the 13th-15th centuries; one of the best preserved fortresses on the territory of Ukraine.

It is the largest fortress in the country with the total area of about 9 hectares. The fortress stands on the rocky shore of the Dniester estuary and has the form of an irregular polygon. All the buildings are surrounded by powerful fortress walls. The total length of the walls is 2.5 km. The photos were taken by Oleg Stukalov.

Medieval fortress in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the fortress


St. Nicholas Cathedral in Kiev is a Roman Catholic Church used, since 1980, as the House of Organ and Chamber Music (Bolshaya Vasylkivska Street, 77).

The construction of the church began in 1899. In 1909, the cathedral, built in stylized Gothic forms, was consecrated. It was closed and looted around 1933. Later, the building housed warehouses. In 1943, during the Second World War, the church was badly damaged.

St. Nicholas Cathedral - Organ Music House, Kiev, Ukraine, photo 1

amazing facade and interior


Uzhhorod is a city located in western Ukraine, the administrative center of Zakarpattia region. It is the Ukrainian “window to Europe”. The city is considered one of the most important Ukrainian and European historical centers.

Throughout its more than a thousand year history, Uzhhorod repeatedly passed from hand to hand, changing its rulers and “owners”.

Uzhhorod city architecture, Ukraine, photo 1

the sights of Uzhhorod


Chernihiv is a city located in northern Ukraine, the administrative center of Chernihiv region (the northernmost regional center of the country).

It is one of the oldest cities in Europe (first mentioned in chronicles in 907). Chernihiv is the historic center of the Left-Bank Ukraine. It was one of the largest towns in the ancient Russian state.

Transfiguration Cathedral (the first half of the 11th century) – the oldest preserved monument of ancient Russian architecture

Ancient Chernihiv city, Ukraine, photo 1

explore Chernihiv


This beautiful church built in the neo-Gothic style is located in Lviv, on Kropivnitsky Square. According to legend, originally, it was named in honor of the Empress Elizabeth Habsburg, the wife of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Franz Joseph I.

Since 1991, the church is owned by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and is called the Church of Sts. Olha and Elizabeth. The photos were taken by neo7777vitaha.

The Church of Sts. Olha and Elizabeth, Lviv, Ukraine, photo 1

let’s go on a tour

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St. Nicholas Church in Sasiv

The wooden church of St. Nicholas in Sasiv village (Zolochevsky district of Lviv region) was built in 1731. Although, according to some sources, it was founded in the 15th century. The church interior is decorated with a beautiful seven-tier iconostasis of the 17th century.

The domes of the church, placed close to each other, are its true ornament. The last restoration of St. Nicholas Church, the monument of architecture of Ukraine, was made in 2008.

St. Nicholas Church in Sasiv, Lviv region, Ukraine, photo 1

let’s look at the interior

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Medieval castle in Kamenets-Podolskiy

One of the main attractions of Kamenets-Podolskiy city, located in Khmelnitsky region, is its ancient castle.

Some fortifications on this place probably existed even in the times of Kievan Rus’. But the stone castle was built by Lithuanian princes Koriatovichi. The photos were taken by Alexandr Shvab.

Medieval castle in Kamenets-Podolskiy, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the castle


Bila Krynytsya is a small village (170 people) located in Chernivtsi region, 12 km south of Chernivtsi city, near the border with Romania.

This village was the center of the Old Believers in Bukovina. The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Old Believers, built in 1900-1908 by the means of Moscow merchant Gleb Ovsyannikov in honor of his son Alexander, is the main attraction of this place.

The Assumption Cathedral in Bila Krynytsya, Ukraine, photo 1

interesting architectural monument

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