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Ukrainian highest cable-stayed bridge

Yuzhny (Southern) bridge is a cable-stayed bridge across the Dnieper River in Kiev. It is the highest cable-stayed bridge in Ukraine. The construction began in 1983, automobile traffic on the bridge was opened on December 25, 1990, metro trains traffic – December 30, 1992.

The bridge was considered the most modern bridge of the USSR connecting the center of Kiev with a left-bank areas and Borispol (main international airport of Ukraine). The length of the bridge is 1256 meters, width – 41 meters, height – 133 meters. The photos by Oleg Stelmakh.

Ukrainian highest cable-stayed bridge view 1





Poltava museum of the local lore

Poltava museum of the local lore is one of the oldest museums of Ukraine founded in 1891 by professor Vasily Dokuchaev as a museum of Poltava region nature and history.

Museum of local lore, Poltava, Ukraine view 1


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Chernovtsy National University

Chernivtsi National University was founded on October 4, 1875 by decree Franz Josef, Emperor of Austro-Hungary. In the beginning there were colleges of theology, philosophy and law.

Chernovtsy national university, Ukraine view 1





Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra

Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra is an Orthodox monastery in Pochaev (Ternopil oblast). It is the largest Orthodox shrine in Volhynia and second, after the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, monastery in Ukraine. The photos were taken by pauchok-anansis.

Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra, Ukraine view 1


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The church of the Intercession of the Virgin is one of the most important monuments of neo-Russian style located in the territory of Ukraine in Kiev oblast.

The church was designed by the largest master of this style Vladimir Alexandrovich Pokrovsky. The temple in Parkhomovka was his debut as an independent architect.

Parkhomovka church, Kiev oblast, Ukraine view 1


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One of the main attractions of Chernivtsi city is St. Nicholas Church with the original “twisted” domes built in 1939. The architecture of the church reproduces the Romanian national style neorominesk. The prototype of the original design was the architecture of the church in Curtea de Arges.

The church is also called “Drunk church” because of its “twisted” domes, about which there are numerous legends. Address: Chernivtsi, Russkaya Str., 35. The photos were captured by av_otus.

Nikolaevskaya church, Chernovtsy, Ukraine view 1


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Orthodox church of St. John the Baptist located in the center of Kerch is a unique monument of Byzantine architecture. It is the oldest Christian church on the territory of the former Soviet Union, built in the beginning of the 8th century.

For nearly fourteen centuries the church experienced a lot of natural disasters and impacts of human ignorance. Comprehensive restoration of the church made in 1980th returned it to the list of pearls of world architecture, and in 1990 the church again became active. The photos were captured by kvdm.

Orthodox church of St John the Baptist, Kerch, Ukraine


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The church of St Yur located in Drohobych (Lviv oblast) is considered the pearl of Ukrainian wooden architecture. Today it is a museum located not far away from the center of the city. The photos were captured by Serge Krynytsia.

Wooden church of Drohobych, Ukraine view 1


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Ukraine is the largest country in Europe by land area, but there is unique museum allowing you to see the life and national architecture of all the regions of the country. Welcome to the museum of national architecture and life of Pirogovo!

It is located near Kiev – the capital city of Ukraine. The photos were captured by Alexander Lipilin.

Ukrainian national architecture museum view 1


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Zhovkva is a town located close to Lviv, the capital city of Lviv oblast. The town is known for a number of historical and architectural monuments. The photos were captured by Alexander Lipilin.

Zhovkva, Ukraine view 1

