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The State Historical and Architectural Reserve “Khotyn Fortress” is a fortress of the 13th-18th centuries located in the town of Khotyn on the bank of the Dniester River in Chernivtsi Oblast, about 60 km northeast of Chernivtsi.

Of the entire fortress, the Khotyn Castle is best preserved, although from a height you can see the remains of other fortifications. The Khotyn Fortress on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

The Khotyn Fortress, Ukraine from above, photo 1

fly over the Khotyn Fortress

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When it comes to Old Halych, the capital of Galicia, and later the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia, we mean not the present town of Halych, but the village of Krylos located southwest of it, in the Halych district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Most of the monuments of archeology, architecture and history of the old capital are found here, which together with the historical center of Halych and several other nearby historical places form the national reserve “Old Halych”. Krylos on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Old Halych of Galicia in Krylos, Ukraine, photo 1

fly over the very center of Galicia

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Medzhybizh Fortress is located in the village of Medzhybizh in the upper reaches of the Southern Buh River, 30 km east of Khmelnitsky and 4 km north of the highway E50 (M12).

This monument of fortification architecture built in the Renaissance style in the middle of the 16th century is included in the State Register of the National Cultural Heritage of Ukraine. Medzhybizh Fortress on Google Maps. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Fortress in Medzhybizh, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine, photo 1

picturesque fortress

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Palanok Castle in Mukacheve

The Palanok Castle, also known as Mukacheve Castle, is the main attraction of the town of Mukacheve located in the Zakarpattia region. The castle stands on a 68-meter-high hill of volcanic origin, the total area of the castle is 13,930 square meters.

The exact date of the founding of the castle is unknown. For the first time it was mentioned in documents in the 11th century. The fortifications were built and rebuilt several times. The castle’s buildings that have survived to this day belong to the 14th-17th centuries. Today, there is a historical museum here. Photos by: Igor Salnikov.

Palanok Castle in Mukacheve, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the Palanok Castle

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Khotyn, located in the present Chernivtsi region, is one of the most ancient towns of Ukraine. It was founded as a border fortress in the beginning of the 11th century.

Built near an important crossing on the Middle Dniester, the town quickly developed and became an important defense and trade center of this territory. Photos by: neo7777vitaha.

Khotyn Fortress in the Chernivtsi region, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the magnificent fortress of Khotyn

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Pyrohiv (Pirogovo), an open-air museum located on the outskirts of Kyiv, provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with all ethnographic regions of Ukraine.

Old wooden windmills, towering on the hill, are the compositional center of the whole complex. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Windmills, Pyrohiv museum, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

very picturesque place

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The Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Pyrohiv is an architectural and landscape complex of historical and ethnographic regions of Ukraine.

It is located on the southern outskirts of Kyiv, in Goloseyevsky district, near the village of Pyrohiv. The total area of the museum is 133.5 hectares. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Folk Architecture Museum in Pyrohiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

fine examples of wooden architecture




The Golden Gates of Kyiv

The Golden Gates of Kyiv is one of the few monuments of defense architecture of the ancient Russian state (Kievan Rus).

Construction of the gates was mentioned in chronicles during the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, in 1037. This fortress-tower was the main ceremonial entrance to Kyiv. Photos by: Maxim Ritus.

Golden Gates of Kyiv, Ukraine, photo 1

the Golden Gates of Kyiv from above


The fortress in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (known as Akkerman fortress until 1944) is one of the best preserved in Ukraine monuments of history and defensive architecture of the 13th-15th centuries, the largest fortress in Eastern Europe.

The total area of the fortress is about ​​9 hectares. It stands on the rocky shore of the Dniester estuary and has the form of an irregular polygon. Photos by: Taras Kashchak.

Akkerman fortress, Ukraine, photo 1

explore the medieval fortress




The architectural ensemble in Pidhirtsi

Pidhirtsi Castle, a well-preserved Renaissance palace surrounded by fortifications, is located in the east of the Lviv region in the village of Pidhirtsi.

Roman Catholic Church of the Exaltation and St. Joseph in the Baroque style was built near the palace in 1752-1766. From the church to the castle there is a 300-meter linden alley. Pidhirtsi on Google Maps. Pictures from the video by

Architectural ensemble in Pidhirtsi, Ukraine, photo 1

Pidhirtsi castle and church from above

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