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Questions and answers:

James asks: I am volunteering to help in Ukraine, I do not want to return to US in 90 days but would rather give Ukraine a year or more depending on the situation. I have skill sets in all phases of constructions \ urban and rural development. I am 51 years of age and in good health with no criminal record. My US passport was just renewed this year and I will be ready to volunteer \ depart for Ukraine in June. All my personal affairs are in order, what is the best direction to move forward to lengthen my volunteer work in Ukraine.
Expert's answer:
As a construction specialist, you should contact the following Ukrainian volunteer organization - Dobrobat. They focus on the initial reconstruction of damaged buildings. Probably they can provide more contacts of similar organizations as well.

The comments of our visitors

J Gilyanna
Your Site

I have been visiting your site for almost 2 years. Your accurate, proper and direct information given to the people that ask questions is amazing. I myself have asked questions and received very useful information from you.

I have also recommended your site to my friends that are becoming interested in knowing about Ukraine. I would like you to know that we appreciate your candid help. Sincerely, Joseph

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