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Questions and answers:

Analia asks: My grandparents were born in Kowel in 1898 and 1905 as Jewish. Where I can find there birth certificates?
Expert's answer:
You should try to get in contact with local archives: the State Archives of Volyn Oblast and the Archival Department of Kovel. Also contact Ukrainian Jewish communities, maybe they can help you too: United Jewish Community of Ukraine and Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine.
Laura asks: My grandfather was born in 1921 in Izmail (then Rumania, now Ukraine). How do I obtain his birth certificate?
Expert's answer:
You should start by contacting the State Archives of Odesa Oblast. Also try to get in contact with Romanian archives.
Ela asks: My father was born 1928 in Czekno Poland now Ukraine. How do I obtain his birth certificate?
Expert's answer:
You should contact The State Archives of Rivne Oblast, as Chekno is part of this region now. The contact email is archive_rv@arch.gov.ua
Alicja K asks: I need to obtain a birth certificate for my mother who was born in 1940 in Tarnapol when it was part of Poland. Where would I find her birth certificate?
Olga asks: My mother was born 3 km from the Pochayiv Lavra. She recently died. Is there a town Hall that holds birth/family records? I am also trying to trace records of where she was transported to during the war. I am visiting the region in September and this information would help my sister & I to follow our family history. Many thanks.
Expert's answer:
You should try to get in contact with the State Archives of the Ternopil region.
john g asks: My grand parents came from the village of Loho, now named Lokhovo, near Mukachevo in 1905. Where might I get a telephone directory covering that village? Thank you
Expert's answer:
If you want to find more info about your relatives who lived in this village, you should better try to contact the officials of Zakarpattia region archives. You can use this service to translate sites from Ukrainian or Russian.
Karin asks: I have just recently found out that my father was from Lugansk. Now with all the technology we have, I'm finally finding out something of my roots. I don't even know if he had any family. How would I even begin to track something like this.
Expert's answer:
You can check the following sites related to conducting genealogical research in Russia and Ukraine.
Keren asks: I'm looking for documents of my grandfather that was born in Krystynopol, was part of Poland but now is Chervonograd. Where should I search? Thanks
Expert's answer:
You should contact the State Archives of Lviv oblast.
Jordy asks: Hello, I would like to conduct a search for my father's birth certificate in Ukrainian archives. He was born in Kovel, Volyn is 1940.
Expert's answer:
You can send your request to Volyn oblast archive. This service to translate the sites from Russian/Ukrainian.
Alex Sidorovsky asks: I am looking for a contact information (phone, email, mail address) for the State Archives of the Cherkassky, Odessky, and Khmel'nitsky regions. Thank you.
Expert's answer:
I have found the following official contacts (sites) of these archives: Cherkassy oblast archive, Odessa oblast archive, Khmelnitsky oblast archive. You can use the following service to translate the sites from Russian/Ukrainian if necessary.
bob asks: Where will we find information about Jewish community circa 1880-1900?
Expert's answer:
You should contact the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine. This service can be used to translate the site from Russian if necessary.
Christine Ozimkiewicz - Reser asks: I plan to visit Kolomija this September. My mother attended the Ursuline convent in the 1930's, which is now Kolomiya gymnasium. Where can I find the school records?
Expert's answer:
I found the site of this gymnasium that may be useful. Try to send your request to the contacts provided there. You can translate the site from Ukrainian by using the following service.
Jan asks: Was Hilnice Wielke once a village that is now a part of Ternopil Oblast? From documents I have, I believe my grandparents were born there and lived there until they emigrated to Canada in 1928 and 1929. I cannot seem to find any information about Hilnice Wielke .
Expert's answer:
I have not found the information about this village. You should contact State Archive of Ternopil oblast.
Elzbieta asks: How to obtain birth certificate for person born in Krystynopol in 1935?
Expert's answer:
You should send your request to Lviv oblast archive. The contacts of the archive.
Gothelittle asks: Is there a place you can write to or email in Nizhyn if you are trying to track down your ancestors and possibly surviving family?
Expert's answer:
I think you should contact the archive of Chernigov oblast. Here are the contacts of the archive and the official site. This service to translate.
the dude asks: How can an American look for his deceased grandfathers information who was born in Ukraine almost 100 years ago? Where can one go to find that info online? or email? Thank you for your help.
Expert's answer:
You should contact Ukrainian archives.
Vera asks: I am looking for my father's relatives who lived in Tarasovka, Ukraine. Is there a central deposity of government records where I can search for my relatives? There are close to 100 Tarasovka's in the Ukraine and since I don't know the oblast, I am having difficulty finding it. Thank you.
Expert's answer:
We have the contact info of both central and local archives of Ukraine. First of all try to contact them by emails provided and if there is no answer you can send written request because in many cases there is much more attention to such kind of requests.
Barry asks: How can I get more information about Brody and Koniushkiv (Konjuskiv) and how I might trace ancestors of my Grandfather and Grandmother who came to Canada 1905.
Expert's answer:
In addition to the info and photos from our page about Brody I am offering you more historical photos of the city and photos of present time Brody. I have found no sites about village Koniushkiv because it is very small (about 700 people). To have more info about your family you may contact the State Archives of Lvov oblast (the contact info is available at our page about Ukrainian archives).
Dorina Alexa asks: I would like to send a request to the National Archives of Ukraine, being interested, specially, in Bolgrad town. Could you tell me the correctly address to send my request?
Expert's answer:
If you are interested in Bolgrad town you may contact Odessa oblast state archive (Bolgrad city is located in Odessa oblast). The official site is only on Ukrainian unfortunately. The address of the archive is Ukraine, Odessa city, Zhukovskogo Str., 18. Contact e-mails: initochko@te.net.ua and gaoo@te.net.ua

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